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Can you help me in English?
Can you help me in English?
Päivitetty yli viikko sitten

Our customer service is happy to assist you also in English if you have any questions or something you need help with! 😊

💬The quickest way to reach us is through the chat

  • During our customer service hours (weekdays 9:00am-4:00pm), you can chat directly with our customer service

  • The chat conversation will stay on the page, so you can easily continue the conversation by coming back to this page later. If you leave your email address in the conversation, you will also receive notifications for new messages in your email

📧 Or you can send us an email at info@fiksuruoka.fi

  • We will respond to all messages in the order they were received, usually within one business day

If your message is about an order, please inform us your order number so that we can help you smoothly.

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